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Hello Beautiful People!

Hello Beautiful People!

My name is Lo and I am the founder and CEO of Simple.Green.Love which provides organic, handmade and high quality hygienic products. Below is my Manifesto:

~*~Simple Green Love ~*~

When I think about the world, I am overwhelmed by conformity and complacency. It is scary how we are increasingly controlled by media and increasingly confined by societal expectations. We are smarter than this. When someone tells us something is “free” we naturally question it. That is because by definition we are inquisitive creatures, but recently we have become lazy. I am advocating for an innovation, an opportunity to redefine those expectations and ultimately empower change.

By offering an organic, pure and simple personal hygiene line, it is my modest way of redefining consumer products and consequently our relationship to our world. Hundreds of years ago, before mass production, what did people use to clean their face? I promise it wasn’t triclosan or ethanol. I also promise they weren’t smelling great from wonderful parabens (a common ingredient in deodorant which has been medically linked to cancer). People were cleaning themselves with luscious clays and moisturizing with salubrious oils. Simple. Green. Love. Why must we change now?

We are currently one of the most intoxicated and unhappy societies in the world. Furthermore, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to address every problem (although I do recommend mindfulness training and yoga). But we can begin somewhere, and starting to examine what we put on and into our bodies is a wonderful start.

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